School Bus Rental Makes
Transporting Your Campers Easy
School Bus Rental Makes
Transporting Your Campers Easy
When it comes to summer camp, kids tend to remember two big things: the fun they had at camp, and the bus ride to and from camp. If the bus ride there is all about the anticipation of an amazing day, week, or month, the bus ride home is all about preserving and locking in the memories.
Camp directors know that the right bus driver and transportation matters for the overall experience of their campers. We are experts at transporting campers, with more than 6,000 summer camps using FirstCharter’s bus rental service each summer. First Student, owner of FirstCharter, is the leading provider of student transportation in North America.
From day camp, to daily camps that last all summer, to overnight camps, we safely get campers where they need to go—always with the maximum amount of safety, fun, and potential for awesome memory-making.
Picking the right school bus rental for your summer camp
We know that camp directors searching for a camp transportation partner are looking for a few key things. That’s why we offer:
- Great price: Our school buses rent for $60 – $125 an hour, which is 50 percent less than coach bus rental.
- The best, safest buses: Our buses provide the safest form of transportation for kids. In fact, our safety rating is twice that of the industry average. We also have the newest fleet in the industry, with accessibility options available.
- High capacity: Our buses can seat up to 72 children, or 48 adults.
- Highly-trained, handpicked drivers: FirstCharter bus drivers are the best trained in the industry, completing more than 20 hours of training each year. They are used to working with kids, and are carefully chosen for each type of event, based on their experience and knowledge of local roads and venues.
- Extras that kids love: We allow food and drink on our buses, and we also have a pet-friendly policy.
Customized bus rental service for camps
As members of the American Camp Association, we attend the Tri-State Camp Show every year. This gives us a chance to talk one-on-one with camp directors and understand their needs. Camp directors consistently tell us that in addition to needing dependable and safe bus service, they also need flexibility and the ability to customize their service—things we always offer.
More than anything, they want to ensure that their campers have FUN! This is where we really shine. Our drivers make getting to and from camp a great experience for your campers, from greeting the kids by name to encouraging singing. Our drivers know how to stay focused on the road while keeping the atmosphere of the bus happy and friendly.
Camps that use FirstCharter’s transportation rental service
Our partners include some of the biggest youth organizations and camps in North America. We provide transportation for camps associated with the YMCA, the JCC, the Girl Scouts, the Boys and Girls Club, the Boston Ballet School, the Cincinnati Reds Baseball Camp, Camp Playland, Camp Sewataro, and many others.
If you’re interested in learning more about how your summer camp can partner with FirstCharter, fill out this form and we’ll give you a quote and tell you everything you need to book your bus with us.